Can you follow me?


with Aunty Del

· horse,being,feeling,relationships,eyes

At my back quarter, you’ll find the easy place.
Either side will be fine.
As I place my hoof do you look in my eye?
I can see you there.
Your eye is starting to soften with mine.

As I turn to look the other way.
Feel free to do the same, in the opposite way.

I’ll sweep back and check in with you.
If you do the same for me?

Little smiley curves in the corner of our eyes,
Tell me we’re there.

I see you trying to match me, but
Copying is not feeling good inside of me.

It’s the light bounce between us.
That soft check in.

The padded arrival of hoof and foot.
That tells me, we’re more.

The way to stand and walk with me, is at my back quarter.
From there I can show you more.

When to stand.
And just be.